Jambu Gelas Putih / Jambu Bandar / Jambu Kemang

White Glass Guava / Guava Bandar / Guava Kemang / Milky Guava

This guava has a standout sour taste, but it smells very fragrant. VERY SUITABLE FOR SALVED / SWEET. THIS GUAVA HAS STARTED RARE.

Latin name Syzygium malaccense (L.) Merr. & Perry /
Local Name of Jambu Bol

Description Tree, 6 – 15 m high, cylindrical crown. Single leaf, alternate or scattered, stem 1-1.5 cm; leaf blade elongated oval, thick like leather, 20-38×8- 15 cm, sharp base, tapered tip, flat edge; leaf surface is bare, young leaves are red, old leaves are light green to dark green; mother leaf bones protrude at the bottom; secondary pinnate veins, 10 – 14 pairs; tertiary veins are not clear. Panicle type inflorescence, found in the axils of leaves or leafless twigs, short-stemmed, few flowers; tubular calyx, 1.5-2 cm; corolla 4, free, white, 14-18 mm, ovate to elongated round; stamens many, much longer than the petals, thread-shaped, white; anthers parallel, split longitudinally, free; pistil 3-4 cm; gnarled stigma; ovules sink, bear 2; a lot of seeds. Buni type fruit, 5 – 7.5 cm, slightly oblong in shape, yellowish white with dark red stripes; white flesh, juicy. Seeds 1 – 2, white to whitish brown, hairy. This species can grow well in the humid tropics, with an altitude of 1 – 1200 m dpi. This species can grow well in a variety of soils as long as they have good drainage, with an optimal rainfall of 1,200 mm/year.

Regional name Jambu bol, guava tea, guava kemang (Indonesia); jambe nipoe, maufa (Sumatra); guava milk, red gora, guava bo, guava jambak, guava gadang (Maluku); bool guava (Sundanese); guava dersana, guava tersana (Java); guava dharsana (Madura) nyambu bol (Bali); kupa maimu, mangkao maamu, kumpasa mahendeng, kombot mopuru, mangkoa, kupakoa, kembes mea, kembes raindang, kokhuwa, upo, kupa, maku, wua sumonda, guava bolo, guava kalongkong, guava pelo, lutune, rutune omtoolo, nutune, lutukau , rutuul, kopokaul, kumkolo (Sulawesi); goda goda, gogoa, goghora (Halmahera); gora tome, gora lame (Temate); suo, suo kohori (Tidore).
Distribution This plant originates from Southeast Asia, then spreads to Topical Europe and Tropical America. Its distribution in Indonesia covers almost the entire archipelago, such as Sumatra, Kalimantan, Java, Madura, Bali, Nusa Tenggara, Sulawesi, Halmahera, Maluku, Ambon and Irian Jaya.
Cultivation This plant is propagated by seed and grafting, grafting, grafting, stem cuttings or root cuttings. If using seeds, choose seeds that come from fresh fruit and are in good condition, then sow them in a nursery or directly in the field. The spacing in the field used for growing guava is 6 x 6 m or 8 x 8 m. Fertilizer application needs to be given in the planting hole and pruning of plant shoots which is done regularly to get lots of fruit yields. Harvest is done 1 x a year, with fruit ripening time of 2-3 months.
Organoleptic properties Sweet taste, slightly sour, watery, weak characteristic odor, cool, fresh and fibrous; shed urine (diuretic) and freshener (tonic).

Part Used fruit
Benefits It can be used as a medicine for stomach weakness, stomach pain, body refresher (tonic) and urine laxative.
Chemical content This plant contains compounds of protein, fat, phosphorus, calcium, iron, vitamins A, B1 and C.

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