Mangifera Laurina Var Buluh

Mangifera Laurina Var Buluh

Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Clade: Rosids
Order: Sapindales
Family: Anacardiaceae
Genus: Mangifera
Species: M. laurina
m laurina var buluh

Mangifera Laurina Var Buluh
Mangifera Laurina Var Buluh

Mangifera laurina is an evergreen tree with a massive, globose crown; it can grow up to 36 metres tall. The bole can be 80 – 100cm in diameter.
The tree is found both wild and cultivated in southeast Asia, where the fruit is widely appreciated and consumed. It is being used less frequently, however, with the introduction of the related mango (Mangifera indica) which is generally considered to have a superior fruit.

Mangifera Laurina Var Buluh
Mangifera Laurina Var Buluh

Fruit – raw or cooked. Sweet and very tasty. The fruit has only a little bit of flesh, which liquefies at maturity so that it can be sucked out. More often the fruit is harvested immature, sliced and served in fruit salads with a spicy sauce (‘rujak’). The yellowish-green, mango-shaped fruit is 5 – 10cm long and 4 – 8cm wide, containing a single large seed
Mangifera laurina: tree, 20—30(—35) m tall, trunk 40—90(—150) cm in diameter, occasionally with short thick buttresses. Leaves elliptic-lanceolate to lanceolate, 6—24 cm x 2—6 cm, chartaceous, petiole slender, 2—5(—8) cm long. Inflorescences panicles, subterminal, pyramidal, 10—40 cm long, open, laxly spreading, glabrous or sub-puberulous, loosely flowered; flowers whitish-green to pale yellow, long-pedicelled, small, fragrant; calyx 5-lobed, petals 5, narrow; stamens 5, only 1 fertile. Fruit a drupe, exactly like a small mango, 6—10 cm x 4—5 cm, pale yellow at maturity; flesh yellow, soft, fibrous, juicy. Stone 4.5—5.5 cm x 2—3 cm x 1.3—1.6 cm; seed polyembryonic. By some authors (e.g. in Flora Malesiana) Mangifera laurina is merged into Mangifera indica; tree habit and leaves are very similar, so that Mangifera laurina is often mistaken for Mangifera indica. Its glabrous or sub-puberulous, laxly spreading, loosely flowered inflorescences are discriminative. Flowering can take place after any short dry spell. In South Kalimantan (Kandangan) a form with more elongated, narrower fruits is known as ‘asem buluh’, meaning ‘bamboo mango’. In East Kalimantan, Mangifera laurina in village plantings in the lakes area sometimes crosses with the wild Mangifera gedebe Miq. of which there are important populations. The fruit shows intermediate characters, having notably labyrinthine seed.

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