Pinanga ridleyana, This splendid little gem from the undergrowth of tropical rainforests on Borneo forms a thin, solitary stem that holds a compact crown of small, entire, dark green, undulate leaflets. The palm is really something special, easily one of the finest palms in the world, and in the ever-diminishing Bornean rainforests it is truly a feat to find even a small quantity of seeds. An absolute rarity, it is only cultivated in a few collections around the world and will do best under tropical conditions in a sheltered site.
Habitat and Distribution
Borneo; Sarawak rainforest.

Small, solitary palm to about 0.3 m tall, with narrow, shiny, entire bifid leaves. Editing by edric.
Warm, sheltered and moist. Cold Hardiness Zone: 10b

This splendid little gem from the undergrowth of tropical rainforests on Borneo forms a thin, solitary stem that holds a compact crown of small, entire, dark green, undulate leaflets. The palm is really something special, easily one of the finest palms in the world, and in the ever-diminishing Bornean rainforests it is truly a feat to find even a small quantity of seeds. An absolute rarity, it is only cultivated in a few collections around the world and will do best under tropical conditions in a sheltered site.
FamilyArecaceae Palm Trees
Specific Epithetridleyana Becc. ex Furtado
Tatiana Snitkovskaia (verified owner) –
Did not get my seeds, did not get any explanation from seller, did not get refund!