Anthurium hoffmannii is found in Costa Rica and Panama at elevations mostly between 700 and 1,700 m, principally in tropical wet, premontane rain and lower montane rain forest but also in premontane wet forest.This species is in section Calomystrium and is closely related to (and perhaps not separate from) A. huixtlense, which ranges from Mexico (Chiapas) to northern Nicaragua, and to A. monteverdense from Costa Rica. It is also related to a number of unnamed taxa from Panama. All these species share a similar thick, ovate, prominently basally lobed blade, and thick, persistent cataphylls that dry reddish-brown and remain intact in age. Leaves generally have numerous short, linear, raphide cells on the upper surface which can be seen both before and after drying.

GenusAnthurium Schott
Anthurium margaritaceum Baker -
Anthurium margaritaceum Rollisson -
Anthurium torresianum Engl.
Epiphyte or terrestrial; stems to 60 cm or longer; internodes 1-2 cm long; leaf scars obscured by cataphylls; roots few, green, 3-8 mm diam.; cataphylls coriaceous, 7-15 cm long, drying reddish brown, persisting intact. LEAVES with petiole erect-spreading, 20-90 cm long, 4-8 mm diam., terete or weakly sulcate; geniculum 2-3.5 cm long; blades ovate, moderately thick, 14-55 cm long, 9-38 cm wide, acuminate at apex, deeply lobed at base; anterior lobes 11-44 cm long, posterior lobes 4-12 cm long; sinus parabolic to spathulate; the upper surface semiglossy, the lower surface glossy; the midrib convexly raised above, acutely raised below; primary lateral veins 4-5 per side, weakly sunken above, raised below; basal veins 4-7 pairs, 3-4 coalesced 1-4 cm (rarely free to base); posterior rib naked, weakly turned upward; collective vein arising from first basal vein, sunken above, acutely raised below, 3-10 mm from margin. INFLORESCENCE erect to slightly arching; peduncle 16-50 cm long, 1-4 mm diam., terete; spathe, pale yellow-green, subcoriaceous, oblong-ovate to lanceolate, 6-13 cm long, 1.7-3 cm wide, inserted at 70° angle on peduncle; spadix stipitate 6-10 mm in front, 1-3 mm in back, pale green becoming white or cream colored, 4.5-8.5 cm long, ca. 8 mm diam. at middle, ca. 7 mm diam. at base and apex; flowers 4-lobed, 2.3-2.8 mm long, 2.6-3 mm wide, the sides straight to sigmoid, 5-8 flowers visible in the principal spiral; 8-13 flowers visible per alternate spiral; tepals glossy, obscurely punctate, lateral tepals 1.4 mm wide, the inner margin ± straight; pistils weakly and acutely raised, white, minutely papillate; stigma linear, 0.3 mm long, a minute inconspicuous slit with minute droplets briefly apparent ca. 1 week before stamens emerge; stamens emerging rapidly, scattered throughout spadix, the lateral stamens first; anthers white, held in ± contiguous square at edge of pistil, 0.4-0.7 mm long; thecae ovoid, weakly divaricate; pollen white. INFRUCTESCENCE arching-pendent; spadix to 15 cm long, to 2 cm diam.; berries red, ovoid, ca. 8 mm long, ca. 5 mm wide; pericarp with elongate raphide cells; mesocarp clear, gelatinous; seeds 2, brown, ca. 4 mm long, ca. 2 mm wide.

Epiphyte or terrestrial; stems to 60 cm or longer; internodes 1-2 cm long; leaf scars obscured by cataphylls; roots few, green, 3-8 mm diam.; cataphylls coriaceous, 7-15 cm long, drying reddish brown, persisting intact.
LEAVES with petiole erect-spreading, 20-90 cm long, 4-8 mm diam., terete or weakly sulcate; geniculum 2-3.5 cm long; blades ovate, moderately thick, 14-55 cm long, 9-38 cm wide, acuminate at apex, deeply lobed at base; anterior lobes 11-44 cm long, posterior lobes 4-12 cm long; sinus parabolic to spathulate; the upper surface semiglossy, the lower surface glossy; the midrib convexly raised above, acutely raised below; primary lateral veins 4-5 per side, weakly sunken above, raised below; basal veins 4-7 pairs, 3-4 coalesced 1-4 cm (rarely free to base); posterior rib naked, weakly turned upward; collective vein arising from first basal vein, sunken above, acutely raised below, 3-10 mm from margin.
INFLORESCENCE erect to slightly arching; peduncle 16-50 cm long, 1-4 mm diam., terete; spathe, pale yellow-green, subcoriaceous, oblong-ovate to lanceolate, 6-13 cm long, 1.7-3 cm wide, inserted at 70° angle on peduncle; spadix stipitate 6-10 mm in front, 1-3 mm in back, pale green becoming white or cream colored, 4.5-8.5 cm long, ca. 8 mm diam. at middle, ca. 7 mm diam. at base and apex; flowers 4-lobed, 2.3-2.8 mm long, 2.6-3 mm wide, the sides straight to sigmoid, 5-8 flowers visible in ihe principal spiral; 8-13 flowers visible per alternate spiral; tepals glossy, obscurely punctate, lateral tepals 1.4 mm wide, the inner margin ± straight; pistils weakly and acutely raised, white, minutely papillate; stigma linear, 0.3 mm long, a minute inconspicuous slit with minute droplets briefly apparent ca. 1 week before stamens emerge; stamens emerging rapidly, scattered throughout spadix, the lateral stamens first; anthers white, held in ± contiguous square at edge of pistil, 0.4-0.7 mm long; thecae ovoid, weakly divaricate; pollen white.

INFRUCTESCENCE arching-pendent; spadix to 15 cm long, to 2 cm diam.; berries red, ovoid, ca. 8 mm long, ca. 5 mm wide; pericarp with elongate raphide cells; mesocarp clear, gelatinous; seeds 2, brown, ca. 4 mm long, ca. 2 mm wide. Figs. 84 and 88.
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