Alocasia brancifolia, is a species of the genus Araceae. This plant is known as “Reptilian Elephant Ear”, another name is “African mask”Alocasia brancifolia likes moist areas and swamps. Usually, this kind of ornamental plant has a height of up to 1.2 meters. This species is often seen spreading in Maluku and Papua.In contrast to other Allocations, Allocationa brancifolia leaves are split to resemble fingers. Each leaf is green and matches the stem.Alocasia brancifolia, in its habitat can grow very large. Unique leaf shape. It feels a bit odd with the appendage of the name “elephant ear” for this plant. Because the shape of the leaves is different from the leaves of other Alocasia genera.The leaf stems of Alocasia brancifolia have a mottled pattern with dark green and light pink colors. This plant includes a stubborn plant and very easy to grow, requires direct light and adequate water.Alocasia Brancifolia Pink Passion is a brand new hybrid and an exceptionally decorative one! This plant is very special as it is the first time it has been introduced to the market and you wont find it anywhere in the wild! Probably the most outstanding features are the Philodendron-like leaves, it looks almost as it was crossed with Philodendron Xanadu. Also, it has a pink striped trunk, similar to the one on Alocasia Zebrina.Alocasia Brancifolia Pink Passion is a true collectors plant. You’d be very lucky to own one, there’s only a few being released to the market. Currently in the shop you’ll find also Alocasia Baginda Dragon Scale, Alocasia Reginula Black Velvet or Alocasia Pink Dragon.Allow to fully dry between watering, use a fast-draining potting mix and provide bright light and good ventilation. Over-watering, wet leaves, and soggy soil makes Alocasia susceptible to a variety of serious fungal infections. Alocasia Brancifolia Pink Passion will require less water during the winter when it’s dormant than in summer during active growth.3alocasia #alocasiabrancifolia #elephantear