Syzygium versteegii
Syzygium versteegii is a rare tree that grows in the rainforests of New Guinea. This tree has the following characteristics: Belongs to the Myrtaceae family Small tree that grows under the canopy The leaves are paired, opposite, and single The leaves are 28–50 cm long and 12–19 cm wide The upper surface of the leaves…
Alocasia guttata bullatta
Alocasia guttata bullatta, is a variant of the Alocasia guttata species from the Araceae family. This plant has exotic leaves and is very popular among Araceae enthusiasts. The shape of the leaves is rather round, thick and shiny. The stalk is shorter than the leaf blade, also highlighting the beautiful side of the color and…
Super Rare White Mangosteen
If so far you have mostly found purple mangosteens, don’t be surprised if you find white mangosteen-like fruit hanging on the tree. Because, in fact, there is a mangosteen variant with a white color. The white mangosteen fruit is the same as the mangosteen fruit in general, but the difference lies in the white color…
Syzygium versteegii
Syzygium versteegii (Lauterb.) Merr. & L.M.Perry Syzygium is a genus of flowering plants belonging to the myrtle family, Myrtaceae. This genus consists of approximately 1200-1800 species, and has a native range extending from Africa and Madagascar through south Asia east through the Pacific. The highest levels of diversity occur from Malaysia to northeastern Australia, where…
Hydriastele selebica
Hydriastele selebica (Becc.) W.J.Baker & Loo, The native range of this species is SE. Sulawesi. It is a shrub or tree and grows primarily in the wet tropical biome. A slender beauty native to rainforests on the Island of Sulawesi (Celebes). It is best suited to tropical climates where it can be grown in sun…