Tuber subglobose, yellowish brown, c. 6 cm in diam., 4-5 cm high, weighing to c. 120 gr., no offsets but gradually desintegrating into new tubers, accessory buds in slightly raised groups. Leaf solitary. Petiole smooth, slender, turgid, 30-40 cm long, c. 1 cm in diam. (base), ground colour varying from dark green near the base to mid green above, marbled with slightly paler, bright green spots with a bicoloured margin, viz. very pale whitish green and blackish green, to the top of the petiole nearly covering the entire surface. Lamina 60-80 cm in diam., rachises unwinged. Leaflets elongate elliptic, acuminate, 6-23 cm long, 2.5-9 cm in diam., upper side moderately glossy green, lower side greyish green, venation impressed on the upper side. Inflorescence solitary, short to medium long peduncled. Peduncle 12-21 cm long, 0.5-0.8 cm in diam., as petiole or with an extra brownish hue. Spathe erect, 13-16 cm long, 9-10 cm in diam., ovate or elongate-ovate, obtuse or acute, more or less twisted near the top, outside base pale brown with large or small, pale green or white, isolated or partly confluent spots, inside whitish green or off white, limb outside largely maroon, glossy, inside maroon, glossy, base within with many small warts. Spadix subequalling or equalling the spathe, sessile, 13-15.5 cm long. Female zone cylindric 1.3-2 cm long, 0.8-1 cm in diam.; flowers mostly congested or slightly distant. Male zone subcylindric, slightly obconic, c. 3.5 cm long, 0.8-1 cm in diam.; flowers congested. Appendix elongate, acute, 7-9.5 cm long, 1-1.4 cm in diam. (near base), off-white, surface minutely or more distinctly verrucate. Ovaries globose to subglobose, 2-4 mm in diam., 1.5-2.5 mm high, circular in cross-section, bright pale green, sometimes maroon near the style insertion, unilocular, one basal ovule. Style subzero to 0.5 mm long, c. 1 mm in diam., maroon. Stigma 1-1.5 mm in diam., more or less variable, often obliquely inserted on the style and strongly zygomorphic, flat, disciform or with a variously folded margin, often resulting in 3 lobes, 2 basiscopic and 1 large acute acroscopic, separated by several shallow grooves, surface off-white, densely minutely verrucate. Male flowers consisting of 3 to 4 stamens. Stamens subtruncate, 2 mm long. Filaments 1 mm long, basally connate. Anthers polygonal in cross-section, 1 mm long, 1-2 mm in diam., pale yellowish or pale purplish-violet, pores apical.
Distribution: Locally endemic to Situ Gunung, Sukabumi, West Java
Habitat: Secondary forests, on slopes.
Amorphophallus sagittarius is the smallest species found in Java. It differs from Amorphophallusvariabilis in its short peduncle up to 21 cm (cf. up to 120 cm in the latter) and the spadix subequaling the spathe (versus mostly twice the length of the spathe in the former).
Amorphophallus sagittarius.
(B) Inflorescence
Amorphophallus sagittarius. (B) InflorescenceAmorphophallus sagittarius.
(C) Part of the spathe removed showing the arrangement of female and male flowers.
Amorphophallus sagittarius. (C) Part of the spathe removed showing the arrangement of female and male flowers.Amorphophallus sagittarius. (D) Arrangement of flowers.