Asam Kranji Madu (Velvet Tamarind) / Dialium indum L

Asam Kranji Madu (Velvet Tamarind)
Dialium angustisepalum Ridley, Dialium javanicum Burm.f., Dialium laurinum Baker in Hook.f., Dialium laurinum var. bursa de Wit, Dialium marginatum de Wit, Dialium patens Baker in Hook.f., Dialium turbinatum de Wit
Common name
Indonesia: Asam keranji, kranji, asam china, kuranji, ki pranji (Sundanese), parangi, Keran-keran, Keranji, Keranji bernang, Keranji honey (borneo)
English: Velvet tamarind, plum tamarind
Thailand: Luk yee, yee
Asam Kranji Madu (Velvet Tamarind) / Dialium indum L
Asam Kranji Madu (Velvet Tamarind) / Dialium indum L
Kingdom: Plantae (Plants)
Subkingdom: Tracheobionta (Vascular plants)
Super Division: Spermatophyta (Produces seeds)
Division: Magnoliophyta (Flowering plants)
Class: Magnoliopsida (two pieces / dicots)
Sub Class: Rosidae
Order: Fabales
Family: Fabaceae (legume family)
Genus: Dialium
Species: Dialium indum L.
Close Relatives: Keranji
Asam Kranji Madu (Velvet Tamarind) / Dialium indum L
Asam Kranji Madu (Velvet Tamarind) / Dialium indum L
Upper tree crown up to 43 m and 95 cm dbh. Stipules ca. 5mm. Leaves alternate, compound, leaflets alternate, penni-veined, glabrous. Flower ca. 8 mm diameter, white-yellowish, placed in branched Inflorescences. Fruit ca. 20 mm diameter, blue-black, fleshy hairy pods filled with seeds in the pulp.
In disturbed mixed dipterocarp and sub-montane forests up to 1200 m altitude. Usually on hillsides and mountains on sandy clay soils, but also on ultrabasic and limestone. In secondary forests they are usually present as pre-disturbance remnant trees.
Use: Fruit eaten.

Kranji sour fruit has a round shape like a marble with a black color and a hard texture. The flesh is orange or black and has a sweet and sour taste. However, there is also sour kranji fruit flesh which tastes sweet. The people of West Kalimantan usually call it the sour kranji honey fruit.

The seeds of the kranji tamarind fruit have a hard texture and are light brown in color. The stem is upright with a strong texture. The shape of the leaves is varied, consisting of oval leaves, blunt tips and bases, thin and green.
In Kalimantan, kranji tamarind fruit is often processed into a beverage base and natural food acidifier. Meanwhile in Thailand, this fruit is often used as candy covered in sugar and chilies on the outside.
Kranji tamarind fruit can also be processed into a basic ingredient for making syrup with a shelf life of approximately 20 days. The sweet and sour taste of kranji syrup is very suitable for consumption in the hot weather.
Apart from the seeds and pulp, the stems of the kranji tamarind fruit can also be used as building materials. The strong and sturdy texture of the stem is suitable as a building material.

Kranji tamarind fruit is a rich source of carbohydrates, sodium, iron, potassium and vitamin C. That’s why this fruit has many health benefits, including:

Prevent canker sores
Treats digestive problems
Prevents cholesterol
Prevent anemia
Increases insulin sensitivity and prevents diabetes.

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