Colocasia esculenta “Black Magic”
Colocasia esculenta “Black Magic”, is a plant from the Araceae family. This plant is a variant of Colocasia esculenta, but has a different color, namely purplish-black leaves. In a place he likes, this plant can grow very large.

Heart-shaped leaves with clearly visible veins from the midline moving to the leaf margins. The flowers are yellowish white and usually hidden by the leaves, but flowers are rarely produced.
In some places, this plant is called “taro”. In its native Hawaii, this plant is grown commercially as a food crop. The most preferred location for Colocasia esculenta “Black Magic” is soil that is rich in humus, rich in organic matter, slightly wet and exposed to sunlight. In the sun the more the best colors for this plant. Colocasia “Black Magic”, can also live in watery places, such as ponds and areas that are flooded with water.