Dabai Fruit / Kembayau / Kemayau

Dabai or kembayau / kemayau belongs to the Burseraceae family, Has the Latin name Canarium odontophyllum, the fruit of a tree that is hard to find in Kalimantan.

In Kalimantan, kemayau fruit is also known as kumbayau fruit, monkey fruit, or keramuq.

Kemayau tree has a height of 20 meters and smooth bark. The kemayau tree trunk is gray in color.

The leaves are curved with a tapered tip. The leaf veins are pinnate and the leaves are dark green.

The kemayau fruit itself is oval in shape, about five to six centimeters long and about one to two centimeters wide.

When still young, kemayau fruit is green. Then when it is old, the purple kemayau fruit is slightly blackish.

How to Eat Kemayau Fruit

To be consumed, kemayau fruit must be processed first.

Even though it’s hard, the way to make the kemayau flesh soft is not by boiling it.

Kemayau fruit can actually be consumed by dousing it or soaking it briefly in hot water so that the flesh is soft.

If we immediately open the kemayau skin after soaking in hot water, the flesh is bright yellow and soft. It’s also savory and fatty like butter.

Some say the taste of the fruit is like an avocado, the taste and texture are also sometimes compared to olives. This fruit can be eaten with sago or cooked as a side dish with chili sauce or fried rice.

The seeds are also edible and taste similar to almonds or pistachio.

Dabai fruit content

The weight of the skin of this fruit is about 7 percent of the total weight of this fruit. Meanwhile, 70 percent of the weight of this fruit is the weight of the contents. This fruit contains 22% fat content, 3% protein content, 9% carbohydrates and 15% fiber content. The unique fatty taste of this fruit attracts many people, especially those who like avocado or fruit because of its “fatty” nature.

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