How to Plant and Care for Rhino Alocasia melo
Here are some steps for growing and caring for rhino alocasia melo at home.
- Prepare Alocasia Bulbs
To propagate alocasia plants, you must choose an alocasia parent that is old enough and has at least 8 leaves. Then, separate the alocasia from the planting medium, do it carefully so that the roots do not break.
At the roots of alocasia there are bulbs that are round, separate the tubers from the roots. Then replant the alocasia that has been taken from the tubers in the previous planting medium.
- Seed Bulbs
Prepare a container containing planting media for sowing tubers that have been separated from the roots. Put some tubers into the planting medium and then fill with soil. However, do not be buried too deep.
Then store the alocasia bulbs that have been sown in the shade, the shoots will grow strong and are ready to be transferred to pots at the age of 30 to 40 days from the time the bulbs are planted.
- Move Plants to New Pots
If the alocasia seedlings have grown and have quite large and strong leaves, transfer them to new small pots.
- Alocasia Treatment
Alocasia plants require extra care than other types of leafy plants.

Water the alocasia plant every day in the morning or evening. In the wild, this Alocasia likes rocky areas and its roots don’t like too much water. Therefore, you should only water this plant when the soil is completely dry. Alocasia leaves wilt is usually caused by roots that are too wet, it could be due to poor drainage or too often exposed to water.
Alocasia plants do not need too much light, the intensity of light needed is only about 30 to 45%. Although the Melo Rhino looks very strong and resistant to anything, Alocasia is still a gentle plant. Therefore, place the alocasia plant in a shady place, but still get sun exposure.
Ideal Temperature, Alocasia Melo Rhino can thrive in tropical climates. Therefore, as long as the temperature is above 18 degrees and below 35 degrees, this plant will still grow well.
Alocasia also needs NPK fertilizer which is slow to decompose or slow release. Enough fertilizer every 3-6 months with a dose of 1 tablespoon per plant. Provision of fertilizer by spraying onto the leaves or planting media with a sprayer. To ensure optimal absorption of nutrients, you can use NPK fertilizers with high N content.
Planting media in the form of clay mixed with bamboo leaves. Alocasia does not like sand. Planting media should be changed every six months. A good medium for plants belonging to the Araceae family is a mixture of andam, dried rope bamboo leaves, and chopped fern in a ratio of 3:1:1.