Guava Bira Syzygium sp
This guava has not been identified, so the scientific name is not known with certainty. But he is allegedly a close relative of the guava bol Syzigium malaccense. The specialty of this guava from Papua is the density of the fruit. Tens or even hundreds of maroon fruit bunches are packed and form a tight line along the 1.5 m around the main stem. Some are directly attached to the stem, some are fruit stalks that form a dompolan and hang on the main stem. Between them sometimes appear white and pink young fruit bunches.
Guava bira spread to various areas including mainland Australia and Papua New Guinea. Guava bira, which is popular among the Marind tribe in Merauke district, is used as a marker for planting wati โ a creeper plant for traditional ceremonies. This guava is often eaten by cassowaries. Thanks to the birds, guava spread to the forest around Merauke in the areas of Wasor, Yanggadur, Sota, Rawa Biru, Kondo, to Tomaraw. It looks very attractive so it is suitable as a fruit plant that also functions as an ornamental plant.
Guava water bira is a species of water guava (Syzygium aqueum) originating from Papua so it is commonly called guava irian, superior to its advantages which produce dense red fruit and smaller size. When compared to the water guava darsono or image, the size of the guava fruit or guava bira is smaller and denser, in one tree can produce hundreds of fruits. The taste of guava is sweet and sour and delicious to make salad or eat directly.
Guava bira Papua can grow in the lowlands and highlands. The size of the tree itself can grow to more than 3 meters, but the trunk and roots are small, so it may not be able to climb.
To begin to bear fruit, you need to wait up to a year or two.
It requires intense light, as well as watering that is only necessary once a day. A good planting medium for Guava Bira Papua is humus soil combined with compost. In addition, if you want to grow more fertile, we suggest giving NPK leaf fertilizer once a month.
This plant can also be grown in a pot, the important thing is that the diameter of the pot is more than 60 cm.
SOURCE: From Various Sources