Kuweni / Mangifera odorata

Of the many genera of mangoes, kuweni fruit is very easy to recognize. The smell is pungent. Kuweni fruit flesh is dense, soft, and the fiber is fine, although the fruit skin is rather thick.

This species is known by a variety of similar names in many areas. In Java, kuweni is also known as kweni or kaweni, while in Sunda it is known as kaweni, marry, bembem. The mention in Bali is almost the same, kweni or weni.

Other local names are kweni, tamarind, macang, lekup (Malay); kuwini, ambacang, embacang, practicing (Minangkabau); kuweni, kebembem (Betawi); kabeni, beni, bine, pao cabinet (Madura); pao kaeni (Sapudi Island); mango kuini (North Sulawesi); as well as kuini, guin, koini, kowini, koine, guawe stinki, sitingki, hitingki (various names in Maluku).

In the region of Sabah, Malaysia, this fruit is called huani or wani, almost the same as the name in the Philippines, namely huani, uani, or juani.

Same with mango, quoting from Wikipedia, kuweni is also popular as a garden plant. This tree is grown mainly for its fruit which people like because of its fragrance. Ripe kuweni fruit, eaten as table fruit or used as a mixed drink.

The quality of the fruit varies depending on the cultivar. The one that is considered the best is the one that smells less strong, tastes sweet, has less fibrous flesh, and has lots of fruit juice.

People also use the kernels of the seeds to be ground into flour, as an ingredient for making dodol-like foods. Kuweni bark is used as a traditional medicine. In addition, kuweni is also useful in industry and as an ingredient in certain medicines.

Kuweni, which has the scientific name Mangifera × odorata, Griffith, is a type of mango that is still closely related to the dumplings (Mangifera foetida, Lour). The difference is, kuweni fruit flesh is denser than dumplings. The fruit fiber is also finer. Dumplings are rounder and the skin is tougher and thicker, with many lenticel spots rather tightly spaced.

Some references say kuweni has never been found living in the wild. Because of that, experts believe this plant is the result of a natural cross between mango and rice dumplings. The research results of R Kiew, LL Teo, and YY Gan (2003) support this conclusion.

Kuweni mango trees grow well in the lowlands to an altitude of about 1,000 meters above sea level, different from other types of mangoes that have economic value. The area he likes is an area with rather high but evenly distributed rainfall throughout the year, so this plant is suitable to replace mangoes which generally grow better in dry areas. Kuweni is usually propagated by seeds.

Kuweni’s fragrance, both fruit and flowers, was quoted from fruitipedia.com, which led to the naming of the species “odorata” (odor is the same as smell).

Kuweni or kuwini (Mangifera × odorata) is a fruit tree of the mango family which is still closely related to dumplings. This plant has fragrant fruit and soft pulp. The consistency of kuweni fruit flesh is denser than dumplings and the fiber is finer. Its character is between mango and rice dumplings, and experts also consider it a natural interspecific hybrid between mango and rice dumplings.
The shape of the kuweni is rounded and bigger than the mango. The tree, leaves, and fruit of the mango and kuweni are different. The shape of the kuweni tends to be larger than most mangoes.
Kuweni meat and mango meat are also different. When compared to mango flesh which is generally soft and smooth, the kuweni flesh is fibrous, the skin of the kuweni fruit is also thicker.
Mango has a distinctive fruity aroma. According to Sobir, the aroma of mangoes tends to disappear the longer the fruit is stored.

The aroma of kuweni is more pungent than mango. The longer it is stored, the distinctive mango aroma actually changes to a sweet smell which indicates that the mango is very ripe. If the mango aroma slowly disappears after being stored for a long time, kuweni actually has a distinctive and pungent fruity aroma.
In addition, the way of planting should also be a separate concern. Prepare a planting hole with a size of 40 cm x 40 cm with a depth of 50 cm. Then sprinkle 1/3 of the compost and leave the hole for up to 7 days. Try to make the planting hole in a place exposed to sufficient sunlight. After 7 days, put the mango seeds into the planting hole. The hole closure doesn’t need to be too tight or tight, just as needed. Then do watering in the morning and evening.

Another thing that is also a concern is maintenance. In order for kweni plants to grow optimally, care must be taken in the maximum way. Always routinely clean the grass or weeds around it because it can interfere with the growth of kweni plants. Further fertilizer application is also given after the plant is 2 months old. Do spraying if there are pests that attack. The kweni plant will produce fruit until it is 2 years old for the vegetative planting and takes 10 years for generative planting.

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