Some call it Licuala mattanensis which comes from the Borneo Rainforest, precisely in Borneo. Types of plants from the family of palms with striking leaf patterns. Early found in the interior of the shady forest. As it gets older, the Licuala Mapu stem will grow more slender and reach a height of almost 3 meters.
Features, Shapes, Colors
Grows with finger-shaped leaves like a wide open hand. Has a complete spot on the surface of green or yellow. Licuala Mapu is a type of small palm and is often referred to as the palm of heaven. The leaves are semicircular segmented at the base of the thin thorns.

The tips of the leaves are square with serrated edges with parallel leaf veins. Plant height 2-3 meters in nature. Leaf shape can be fully circular with larger plant sizes. The older the plant, the more yellow spots. Long growth period and tend to live solitary or solitary.
How to Plant
This type of palm nursery is almost the same as the others, namely through seeds or tillers. Pay attention to the right planting media for maximum growth. Including the comparison of planting media. Follow the steps below to start planting.
Prepare a planting medium in the form of fertile soil, preferably one that contains sand.
If you don't find the criteria for the soil, you can make it by mixing soil, sand and GDM in a ratio of 5:5:1.
Put the media in a pot (if it will be planted in a pot)
Water the soil until it is moist.
Make holes in the planting medium for seeds.
Insert the seed into the hole.
Place the pot in a place that receives enough sunlight.
How to Care
Palm plants are generally in tropical climates with temperatures around 20-35โฐC. It’s not enough just to plant, there needs to be care to make plants thrive. Because apart from being an ornamental plant, Licuala Mapu can also be used as a shade in the yard. Here’s how to take care of it.
- Watering
Watering according to plant needs. Avoid watering until it causes puddles around the plant. Water sparingly twice a day in the morning and evening. No need to water during the rainy season. If planted in the field, make a trench around it to prevent flooding during the rainy season.
- Radiation
Prioritize optimal sunlight for growth. Around morning until noon. Remove potted plants for light. If planted in the yard, make sure there are no trees or buildings blocking the plants from getting light.
- Fertilizers
Give compost because it affects the growth and color of the leaves. If attacked by pests, use pest control periodically. Add fertilizer with NPK content every 1 to 2 months to trigger fruit growth.
- Pot Care
When planting, we recommend using a pot of clay with a hole in the bottom for water flow. The larger the plant, the size of the pot needs to be replaced with a larger and wider one. Enter the planting media such as sand, gravel and wood husks to keep the planting medium in the pot.
- Pruning Plants
Pruning aims to suppress uncontrolled growth. Plants that are not pruned will grow thick until the root growth comes out of the pot. Prune wilted and dry leaves. Pruning is also done to avoid the arrival of disease-causing pests. So the plants will grow healthy and stay beautiful.
In addition to avoiding pests, pruning Licuala Mapu that is rotten, dry and wilted can also keep fungus away. Another way to get rid of mold can use fungicides. Get other ornamental plants according to your liking at